De Fishermen’s Trail is a new Dutch book about Fatherhood. Together with my daughter Antonia, I walked 100 kilometres along the Fishermen's Trail. We followed the path through the heavy sand and over high cliffs in the warm spring. Swimming in the sea daily, eating grilled fish and having long conversations. After a week, my daughter said goodbye, and I continued my journey along the endless Atlantic Ocean towards Sagres, 'the end of the world'. Along the way, I made drawings of everything I saw, tasted and experienced. It gave me time to reflect on the relationship with my three children who have almost left home, their birth, fatherhood and my own transience. I slept under the stars, met hikers from all over the world and spoke to local residents about the history of the Portuguese Fishermen’s Trail. I am excited to announce that ‘De Fishermen’s Trail’, published by Fontaine Uitgevers in Dutch, will be out in March 2024.​​​​​​​

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